Conscious Uncoupling
“Contrary to popular belief, time does not heal all wounds. We do.”
—Katherine Woodward Thomas
NY Times Bestselling Author and
the Creator of Conscious Uncoupling™
A Kinder and Gentler Way
to Divorce or Breakup
Conscious Uncoupling™ is a kinder and gentler way to break up or divorce. Instead of responding to a breakup with anger and resentment which over time can result in a lonely, loveless life, we can learn to transform and harness the intensely painful emotions to create a future in which we are healed, whole, healthy and free to love again.
This process encourages honor and respect for oneself and one’s former partner and demonstrates care for the impact on any children who may be affected.

Ellen Simon Irving, LCSW-R

Certified by
Katherine Woodward Thomas, M.A., MFT
Five Steps of Conscious Uncoupling™
Find Emotional
Learn to tame and harness the strong feelings and the fight or flight hormonal response that typically accompanies a breakup. Learn to ride the intense waves of emotion and avoid the negative consequences of acting too hastily on the normal, but often harmful impulses.
Reclaim Your Power
and Your Life
Move from victimhood to recognize how we may have contributed to the strife in the relationship, even if in a passive way. Even if our breakup occurred because our partner was 97% responsible, looking at our own 3% can empower us to choose to avoid making the same mistakes in the future.
Break the Pattern,
Heal Your Heart
Understand and transform the source of relationship woes. Here we uncover beliefs and decisions made in the past that often dictate how we automatically respond in the present. We now can embody a new more true narrative about self, so we can graduate form the painful past.
Become a
Love Alchemist
Discover how to clear the air with your former partner and ready yourself for your next steps to free yourself from the pain of the past.
Create Your Happily
Even-After Life
Explore ways to address relationships with others who may have been affected by the breakup. Create a beautiful heart touching ritual to mark the end of old agreements, either alone, with your former partner or with family and a larger community. Begin to prepare yourself for a living happily even after.
“The Conscious Uncoupling 5-Step process makes it possible to overcome breakup grief and use it to transform and enrich your entire life.”
—Katherine Woodward Thomas
“Since doing the Conscious Uncoupling program, the anger and resentment is gone. All the pain from everything is gone.”